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TimberFish Technologies uses food production waste streams to grow delicious, clean and safe seafood while discharging clean water. TimberFish Technology Bioconverts Clean Organic Waste Streams Into Salable Seafood. Food and Beverage Producers who have clean but high strength waste streams often find that these streams are costly to dispose of under current environmental regulations. The solution that TimberFish offers is a system that combines these wastes with nutrients and unutilized plant materials, to create a new food chain that produces marketable seafood. Selling this seafood reduces or eliminates the costs associated with the treatment and disposal of the wastes.
Rising Populations and Environmental Pollution Threaten Our Future’s Food Supply and Safety. Our existing food supply is based on the production of fruits and grains from farmed land, and seafood harvested from our oceans. Most land suitable for farming is already in production and our oceans are over-fished. Human populations are rising and there are growing concerns about climate change and environmental pollution – all of this is putting increased pressure on food production.